Monday, February 21, 2011

Trane Xe80 Control Board

Happy Sunny Days - part two

Hallo everybody!
Here's Some Other Pictures I Took Last september Started "fantastic" Fira sdaz "in Palazzo Rossi Pontecchio Marconi.

So many people to participate and flair like to see this cultural and musical events.
Each taste, Each age ...

Hello everyone!
Here's another picture taken last September during the fantastic "Fair Sieves" in the Palazzo dei Rossi Pontecchio Marconi.

large number of people participating in this fair every year to see music and cultural events.
Every taste, every age ...

Here are the famous "Sdaz", where, derives the name of this flair peasant

Here are the famous Sdaz (Sieves), hence the name of this fair

Many kind of homemade liqueurs, many different colors.
They all look so delicious!

many liqueurs, many different colors.
They all look so delicious!

Look at the beauty of this palace
Look how beautiful this building

Tons of Mushrooms
tons of dried mushrooms

Typical handcrafts handicrafts products

Vintage Finds

I always be fascinate by These Old agriculturally machines
so intelligent and complicated ....

am always affascinatada these old agricultural machinery
so smart and so complicated ...

Want to caress?

A new competition:
They really do run a lot!

A new type of competition:
strong run right!

All Have so much fun!

The old bridge

And at night lots of cultural events:
old traditional local dance, with live music!

the evening many cultural events:
ancient dances of the local tradition, with live music!

So funny!
So funny!

And for all the ages
And for all age groups

And the ancient art of flag flyers
And the ancient art of sbandieratori

(all photos by me)

Good night everybody!
Stay tuned, I'll back soon

Buona notte!
State connessi, torno presto


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