Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Bandana Paper Napkins

Grandma cupcake of the week # 01 necklace in aqua teal

ITA (Versione Inglese FOLLOWS) Remember
these cupcakes that I presented to you last week? Well, today I want to show how I used one of them:) I must say I am quite satisfied with the result: I put up a chain of antique copper with glass beads in shades of blue-green, recalling the intense teal teal or green (I do not know as well call it, to tell the truth) of the base of the cupcake and rose ... This is called the collection "Grandma cupcake # 01" which translated into Italian would be "The cupcake grandmother's" view of the atmosphere a little 'retro reminiscent of the kind of solution that I have. In these photos you can see it from different points of view. What do you think? You like it?
This piece will not be sold online, but will have another destination ... to design will be part of a di cui per il momento non parlerò :) fra un paio di settimane (spero non di più) saprete tutto!

Do you remember these cupcakes I presented you last week? Well, now I want to show you how I assembled one of them :) I must admit that I'm satisfied with the result: I put it on an antique brass chain with glass beads in baby blue and aqua teal shades: so the "Grandma cupcake necklace #01" in aqua teal is born! I decided to give it this name because of the vintage atmosphere it recalls.
In these photos you can see it from different points of view. Do you like it? What do you think about?

This piece will not be bought online, But It has a different destination ... it will be part of a project, But I will not say a word for the moment:) in a pair of weeks (I hope not More Than That) you will know everything!


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