Sunday, March 6, 2011

Bill Clinton Janam Kundli

Thank you!!!

Thank you!!
Thanks !!!!!

I Received an award from sweet darling Laura from Receive style,
and I'm sooooo happy!
You can find her HERE . Go to take a look, I know it's a kind place,
full of decorating ideas and many other things!

I was rewarded by sweet and very nice Laura of Receive
with style and are very very happy!

(I must say that I had received another, but because of my total insperienza in the blog world not knowing what to do, I have not done anything, I have not posted, I did not turn fate ... and the prize is over ... so
But now I understand, be patient:))

can be found HERE . Go find it, is a place so nice,
full of ideas for decorating and much more!

Now it's my turn to give it to Another blog I like very much. Choose
it's so Difficult, Blogsphere is filled of very talented women!

Now it's my turn to assign it to some other blogs that I like.
The choice is difficult, Blogsphere is really full of women of pure talent!

of Raffaella melogranoantico

Michela Maison

The Ones Who Have Received These Few rules to follow:

Who received the award should follow these simple rules:

- accept the award and write a post about
- choose from 3 5 blogs and tell them They are winners
- make a link to the One Who Gave You the award

- accept the premium and write a post
- choose from 3 to 5 blogs and tell them that they won
- post the link to the person who sent it to you

Stay tuned, I'll back soon!
Stay tuned, come back soon!

Hello Silvia


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